The Ministries Appeal.
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The Diocese of Duluth numbers more than 41,000 Catholics and 72 parishes scattered throughout the ten counties of northeastern Minnesota. Through our parishes we strive to educate our children in the faith, support our seniors, and respond to the broad challenges facing the communities in which we live. We are to be the face of Christ for others.
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The Holy Spirit has revealed to us in our over fifty Let’s Listen gatherings that the deepest longing we have amongst the people of our diocese is a desperate cry for healing instead of hurt, for hope instead of despair and for an abundant joy rising from the drudgery of everyday life as we know it. Our mission banner is simple: Abundant Healing, Hope and Joy in Jesus!
A Pastoral Letter from Bishop Daniel Felton
The Ministries Appeal is the annual appeal of our bishop that
supports the many important programs and
ministries within our collective Diocese of Duluth.
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If people are to worship, study or celebrate together in the Catholic Community, they must do so in a safe environment. In their Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, the United States Catholic Bishops recognized past failures in this regard and pledged themselves to protect the Faithful in the future.
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