The Ministries Appeal.
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Everything we have, everything we are and everything we will become is a gift from God. As stewards of those gifts, we are called to return a portion of our time, talent and treasure in gratitude for God’s great bounty. The Diocese of Duluth — with its parishes, offices, schools, and outreach ministries — has numerous volunteer opportunities and many avenues to give of your financial resources. To volunteer your time and talent, please contact your parish, school, or ministry directly.
The Office of Mission Advancement serves as a resource for parishes, schools and Catholic agencies in planning and implementing stewardship and development programs and capital and endowment campaigns.
The director will work with the pastor on a customized Stewardship Plan in a timely manner and offer services to help implement different aspects of the plan.
Please contact Margaret Slawin with your questions.
2830 E. 4th Street, Duluth, MN 55812